我們使用 Paypal 接受網上信用咭捐款. 你並不需要一個 Paypal 戶口. Paypal 接受主要信用卡. 如需更多信息, 請點擊 Paypal 商標.
For credit card online donation, please fill out the form above and you will be directed to Paypal. Please note that you DO NOT need a Paypal account. Paypal also accepts major credit cards. For more information, click on the Paypal logo.
For E-transfer donation, please fill out the form in the link below.
E-transfer Donation Form
請下載並填寫廣西探訪捐贈表, 支票抬頭請寫 CRRS 並寄回:
To donate by check or fax, please download and fill out the donation form and return to our address below. Please make check payable to CRRS.
Privacy Statement: CRRS is committed to respecting the privacy of its donors and supporters. Any personal information collected by CRRS will be carefully protected. Charitable Registration No. : 898951660 RR0001
Guangxi Vision Trip is a CRRS Board approved project, each restricted contribution towards the project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the financial need for the project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for the project will be used where needed most within CRRS ministries.
如有查詢 For more information :
電話 Tel: 604-435-5486
電郵 Email: accounts@crrs.org