加拿大真相與和解委員會: 94項行動呼籲 (中英對照)
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: 94 Calls to Action (Chinese Translation)
此中文版由加拿大文化更新研究中心翻譯, 是本機構對原住民真相與和解表示關注和作出貢獻,讓加拿大華人和移民社區用母語去理解加拿大真相與和解委員會報告的94項行動呼籲。如有任何歧義,請以英文原版 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action 爲準。在全國真相與和解中心網頁 ntrc.ca 查看。
This Chinese translated version is developed by the Culture Regeneration Research Society as an act of reconciliation, providing a way for Chinese Canadians and the immigrant community to understand the Truth and Reconciliation 94 Calls to Action in their own language. Please refer to the official English or French version on the website of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at ntrc.ca for accuracy.
Please note that we have embedded some website links in the document (blue words) to further explain official terminologies or organizations.
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這一份報告源於2008年開始由原住民領袖帶領的【真相與和解委員會】一連串的活動裡面,他們收集了6000 多名【原住民寄宿學校】生還者的故事和經歷。後來在2015年,把這些研究整理成為多份的報告。其中一份就是 【94項行動呼籲】,這一份報告的目的是呼籲各級政府和所有住在加拿大的人共同努力,去修復寄宿學校造成的傷害,並推進加拿大與原住民的和解進程。
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was established in 2008 and facilitated a series of reconciliation events. The commission is led by Indigenous leaders and collected over 6000 residential school survivors’ stories and experiences. Then in 2015, the findings were collected and developed into many reports by the TRC. The proposed actions call on all levels of government and Canadians to work together to repair the harm caused by residential schools and begin the process of reconciliation.